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2024 ANPA AGM and elections

Brad Turner

Updated: Jun 26, 2024

Due to the cancellation of the Geelong National, the ANPA Committee has agreed on the process by which to hold the Annual General Meeting and to fill vacant positions on the Committee.


2024 ANPA AGM Agenda

The ANPA Annual General Meeting will be held by ZOOM video conferencing on Sunday, July 28 at 8pm AEST, 7.30pm in South Australia and 6pm in Western Australia. 

Please note: Any member wanting to participate in the meeting will need to email Brad Turner at by noon on Saturday, July 27, 11.30am South Australia and 9am Western Australia so a link to join the meeting can be sent to their email address. Some members might choose to gather at one location to participate but please let the Secretary know if this is the case for the purpose of ensuring there is a quorum that there is an accurate list of attendees..


1.      Apologies

2.      Reading of Minutes of 2023 AGM.

3.      Matters Arising from 2023 AGM Minutes.

4.      Report by the President.

5.      Report by the Secretary.

6.      Report by Treasurer and production of ANPA financial statement for 2023-24.

7.      Appointment of Auditor.

8.      Reports by Ring Coordinator, Membership Coordinator and National Show Coordinator.

9.      Appointment of Membership Coordinator, Ring Coordinator and National Show Coordinator.

10.  Elections: The positions of President, three committee members from NSW, two committee members from Victoria and one committee member representing Tasmania as part of the Victorian Committee were to be elected from the floor of the AGM at Geelong. The committee is now again calling for nominations. Frank Hayes has been nominated and seconded for one of the positions on the Victorian committee. The position descriptions for these roles are at the bottom of this post.


In 2024 the following positions on the ANPA Committee will become vacant:


Three (3) committee members for NSW

Two (2) committee members for Victoria

One (1) committee member for Tasmania, who will be part of a combined Victoria/Tasmania committee.

Financial members as of January 1, 2024, are eligible to vote in the elections.

Nominations for all positions to either be in writing, or sent via email* (see below) and close with the National Secretary at midnight AEST on Friday, July 26, 2024.

Nominations can only be received from financial individual members and must be seconded by a financial individual member. Self-nomination is not permitted.

Email nominations and seconders, must come from the nominators and seconders own email address.

Full name, postal address and contact phone number is to be included in the body of the email.

For State Officers, nominations and seconders must come only from financial individual members residing in that state for that nomination.

Nominations should be sent by email to ANPA Secretary Brad Turner by midnight AEST on July 26. 2024 or at 23 Alton Terrace, The Gap 4061. Queensland by mail no later than July 26.

11.  Announcement of National Awards.

12.  Announcement of the next National Show venue and date.

13.  Ring prices and membership fees for 2025.

14.  Vote on honorariums for Committee members. President: $350, Newsletter Editor: 4 x $300, Membership Coordinator: $500, Ring Coordinator $500, Secretary $1500, Treasurer $500; National Show Coordinator $300.

15.  Other matters arising from the ANPA Committee meeting.

General Business:

  1. Motion 1: Moved by Chris Schutz on April 6 and supported by 10 committee members: That the PMV1 vaccination mandate put in place in 2013 be removed and that people show birds at their own risk and that ANPA recommends that all fanciers take responsibility for their own birds and that vaccination is strongly recommended.

  2. Motion 2: Motion to update and alter clauses in the ANPA Constitution. Moved by Brad Turner on April 3 and supported by 11 committee members: That clauses in sections 4, 7, 11, 12 and 13 be amended. The details of and rationale for of the proposed changes are included at the end of the agenda.

  3. Update on WA litigation.

  4. Update on National Show results project.




Proposed amendments to the Constitution.


a) Application for membership is open to any individual or club interested in promoting the aims of ANPA and shall be subject to the approval of the Executive.

b) Membership fees shall cover the period of April 1 for one year to March 31 of the following year. 

(Amendment July 11, 2009)

Payment of the membership fee shall constitute an agreement by the member to be bound by the rules of the constitution of ANPA, including any subsequent alterations or modifications thereof duly made. Membership may be Individual membership, Affiliated Clubs, Specialist Clubs.

No member shall be entitled to any of the privileges or benefits of the Association until the appropriate membership fee for the current year has been paid. The annual subscription of members shall be set and declared by resolution at the Annual General Meeting.

Proposed amendment 1:  c) When membership is not paid for more than one financial year (e.g.: April 1 2023 to March 31 2024) it shall be considered lapsed and the individual or club must re-apply as a new member and the membership shall then be subject to the approval of the committee. Rationale: Clarity is needed on this due to a suggestion a person who has not paid membership for some years is an unfinancial member indefinitely rather than a non-member after dues were not paid.


c) The Treasurer shall present at each AGM a financial statement for the previous year and an audited financial statement shall subsequently be published in the ANPA newsletter.

Proposed amendment 2: The Treasurer shall present at each AGM a financial statement for the previous year and an audited financial statement shall be published in the ANPA newsletter and on its website. Rationale: This clause needs updating to reflect the availability of the website. In recent years the accounts have when possible been published on the website ahead of the AGM.



a) The Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held in conjunction with the National Show. If there is no National Show it should be held before the end of July of that year at a location chosen by the committee. Proposed amendment 3: If there is no National Show the meeting should be held before the end of July of that year at a location chosen by the committee, or by video conferencing technology. Rationale: The constitution as stands has been superseded by technology, plus we have already held an AGM via ZOOM, even though it did not reach a quorum.

b) Members wishing any matter of General Business raised at the AGM must advise the Secretary, in writing, 90 days prior to the AGM. 10 members must support this matter in writing. Proposed amendment 4: Members wishing any matter of General Business raised at the AGM must advise the Secretary, in writing, 90 days prior to the AGM. 10 members must support this matter in writing. The notification must be received by midnight and can be either by letter, email or via social media. Rationale: This provides clarity and takes into account the advent of social media communication via Facebook.

c) The Secretary shall forward a notice convening the AGM to all members at least 30 days before the date of the meeting. This could be an inclusion in the Association’s Newsletter and must include a list of all matters of General Business to be discussed, including nominations received for future National Shows. This notice should also include a proxy form to allow members, unable to attend the Annual General Meeting, to register a postal vote on the specific issues listed. These forms will be returned to the Secretary with the Chairperson/President holding these proxy votes at the meeting. The Chairperson/President will need to be mindful when accepting amendments to ensure they do not substantially amend the original motion.  Proposed amendment 5: The Secretary shall forward a notice convening the AGM to all members at least 30 days before the date of the meeting. This could be an inclusion in the Association’s Newsletter, or on its website and through its social media channels. The notice should only be posted on the association’s social media channels if it has already been added to the website. The notice must include a list of all matters of General Business to be discussed, including nominations received for future National Shows. Rationale: There have been no proxy votes lodged in memory and given the capacity of members to comment on issues in real time on the website and social media and the democracy involved in this form of communication proxy voting has become obsolete.



a) At the National AGM the quorum shall be 19 individual financial members.

b) At a meeting of the Executive the quorum shall be the full Executive less two members.

c) At a meeting of the Committee a quorum shall be two-thirds of the Committee members.

d) If a quorum is not achieved at an AGM, the Committee must transact the business of the Association by meeting group email or phone hook-up within two months of the set AGM date.

Proposed amendment 6: d) If a quorum is not achieved at an AGM, the Committee must transact the business of the Association by video conferencing technology or a phone hook-up within two months of the set AGM date. Rationale: This takes into account the advent of ZOOM which wasn’t around when the Constitution was framed.



a) The National Show shall rotate around all Australian states using a roster system. The Executive shall determine this rotation which may not necessarily be even. The National Show is usually staged over the third weekend of July each year but, this may be varied. Proposed amendment 7: The location and venue of the National show will be determined based on applications received. The show is usually staged over the third weekend in July each year, but this may be varied. Rationale: The rotation ort roster system has become obsolete since the constitution was framed.

b) Clubs within states should make application to host the show, stating the date preferred, the venue facilities including the maximum number of pens available, accommodation availability and other relevant information, to the National Secretary.

Proposed amendment 8: Applicants to host the show should state the preferred date, the venue facilities including the maximum number of pens available, accommodation availability and other relevant information, to the National Secretary. Rationale: This takes into account that the host might not always be a club, as was the case at Penrith in 2015 and would have been the case at Ipswich in 2020 or 2021 if ROTA had not led to the cancellation of the shows.

c) All applications should be in writing and in the hands of the National Secretary not later than the 1st March two years preceding the Show. This allows the National Show venues to be known two years in advance. Proposed amendment 9: All applications should be in writing and in the hands of the National Secretary not later than July 1 the year preceding the Show. Rationale: Even this is aspirational as has been seen with the MPS/Geelong bid for 2024 not being lodged until after the 2023 AGM.

d) The full Committee shall consider all applications together with a recommendation from the relevant State Committee and decide which club(s) shall host the National. ANPA may ask the State branch to host the National Show on its behalf. Proposed amendment 10: The full Committee shall consider all applications together with a recommendation from the relevant State Committee if applicable in deciding the National show host. ANPA may ask the State branch to host the National Show on its behalf if no bids are received. Bids will also be considered from groups of financial members on the basis the bid is led by a member of the association’s committee and that all hosting criteria are met. Rationale: This takes into account the scenario mentioned above in 13b where the host might not always be a club.

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