ANPA Treasurer Gary Browell has provided the following audit of the association's accounts for 2022-23.
The Australian National Pigeon Association Inc is still in a sound financial position even though we made a loss of $16,838.86. We still have $72,910.94 in the bank accounts.
We have closed the Term Deposit account as approved at last years AGM and transferred the funds to the General Bank Account. We also transferred $45,000 to the General Account from the Ring Account in line with a recommendation also approved at last year’s AGM.
As agreed with our Auditor we wrote off the balance of stock on hand of $1500. We managed to sell most of the stock at Wagga Wagga National Show and have very little stock left.
The following income and expenses require some explanations as below.
1. Ring sales are down by $8k because the prior years sales covered 2 years’ sales of rings. This was reported on last year as well and forms the reason for the increase in last year.
2. Sponsorship of $2,418 was received from the Wagga Wagga City Council on behalf of Twin Cities Fancy Pigeon Club towards the running of the 2022 National Show. This sponsorship was passed on to Twin Cities and s reflected in the National Show Expenses.
3. Ring Purchase of $14k for both the 2122 and 2023 rings.
4. Office supplies records the purchase of a Laptop and appropriate software as was reported to last year’s AGM.
5. National Show sponsorship expenses includes $5k to Twin Cities and $5k to Ipswich as deposits for the hire of the venue for the 2023 National Show. A final payment for hire of the Venue for the show of $5k has been made in the current financial year.
6. National Show Expenses also covers the cost of the Photographer at the Wagga Wagga National Show and the purchase of some new banners to be used at all future National Shows.
One thing that has become obvious over the last couple of years is that ANPA’s sound cash position is due in no small way to the years in which we were unable to hold National Shows due to PMV, Rota and Covid.
Our main challenge moving forward will be how finance the sponsorships etc for the National Shows moving forward in the current economic climate.