ANPA President DAVID LEWIS reports that the financial position of ANPA continues to be very strong with over $80,000 in cash.
Attached is the audit tabled at the AGM in Adelaide.
With no National Shows over the past two years funds have increased due to the lack of expenses. Obviously this will change in the 2019/20 Financial year and a much smaller surplus is expected.
Membership has been very strong with excellent renewals and new memberships seeing over $10,000 collected.
The continued uptake of ANPA members accessing the Newsletter online is saving significant funds with production and postage costs coming down considerably.
The ANPA committee is already starting to look at ways we can invest in the pigeon hobby and especially take the opportunity of the fantastic goodwill the Adelaide National has created.
While we do this we must be prudent to ensure the financial stability of ANPA is maintained and the money is invested wisely.